Brands & logos
Updated logo for Espoo Pentecostal Church - 2023
I re-designed clients old logo for new website which I also build for them.
Brand and identity for Lähetysseurakunta - 2020
I re-designed my 5-year earlier done design and identity for Helsinki based church - Lähetysseurakunta (Missionchurch).
Brand and identity for Delivered - 2017
Me and my team mate Timo came up with the new brand name for a new product - Messaging as-a-service. New brand name was simply called Delivered. The brand identity and design were immediately clear to me and I was responsible to bring it to world in summer 2017.
SoundMash brand and identity - 2017
SoundMash brand identity required quite much of work to get it out as we see it now. I had variety of versions out of it but none of them felt us great than this one. The main target group was curious global teens with their smartphones.
Maladesign brand and identity - 2016
I needed to gave a brand identity to myself. One of the most difficult task 😜 After several of bad options I realized that Maladesign is the best name to my alter designer personality. Malakoo used to be my nickname in Thailand where I grew up my childhood. Colors came naturally from my top favorite fruit, mango.
Jongla brand and identity - 2015
After joining to Jongla in 2011 I wanted to made a facelift to existing brand identity. Yellow and pink theme turned into green and blue world. I am pretty proud of the super simplified paper plane icon I designed. Yet it is simple and abstract but it has recognizable shape of flying plane.
Lähetysseurakunta brand and identity - 2015
I was asked to re-brand Lähetysseurakunta, a Mission Church in Helsinki. I designed a new logo and typeface for it and also updated new color themes. Three tall windows are actually in the church building and three crosses exist in the middle of the windows. Easy choice.